Please review and comply with all policies set forth in our M-OStudio Enterprises, LLC studio policy. If there are breaches of any of the policies listed here, we reserve the right to review a student's membership in the studio.
(1) Fees and Fee Structure: The hourly fee for new students studying with either Megan or Obed at M-OStudio in our NYC & Chicago Studios is $75 per professional hour and in NYC & Chicago only Hour-Long lessons are available. Outside of the NYC area, our fee is $65 per professional hour and $32.50 per professional half an hour. A professional hour is 55 minutes in length, and a professional half an hour is 25 minutes in length. We accept all major credit cards as our preferred form of payment either online through your invoice we will send you, or in person at your lesson time. We also accept checks and cash, and checks should be written to: ‘M-OStudio Enterprises, LLC’. No lessons will be given on credit. If paying at your lesson time, payment will be expected and collected at the time of your lesson, no exceptions. The best way to avoid facing this situation is to pay ahead of time online through your invoice that we will email you ahead of your lesson time. NO post-dated checks are appropriate as payment. In our attempts to remain flexible for those who may need to work out other means of payment, we would ask that you contact us directly through our various forms of contact on our website and preferably through our official studio email below (8), and we will find a way to make it work for you. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us directly for that as well.
(2) Scheduling Your Lessons: Megan and Obed’s scheduling is done primarily through email and on our online studio administrative system you used to register for our studio. Please check your email that we have for you regularly for lesson reminders, cancellations, open lesson times and all things billing, as email is our official studio correspondence. Last minute lesson attendance communications may also be done through cell phone texting. From time to time we may suggest, or you may want more than just one lesson a week; schedule permitting. We find that this helps to attain the progress that may be appropriate for those that are truly committed to their vocal journey. The decision for a more aggressive lesson schedule and the ability to find time in everyone’s schedule to accomplish this may be determined through a consultation with your teacher, you (the student) and a mutual decision between everyone involved with your vocal journey. At which point, another payment schedule will be arranged.
(3) Responsibility: It is important that singers do not arrive more than five minutes before their appointed time as we do not want to disturb the current lesson in session. However, when it is your lesson time, we ask that you knock politely on the door for your lesson. As we may not always have a clock handy, this will help all of us keep a prompt schedule and also assure that your lesson starts on time. If you do arrive early, please wait patiently either in your car, or in the hallway outside of your respective lesson room until your lesson time.
(4) Your Mission: Consistent study is very important. However, unforeseen scheduling issues and other emergencies do not always allow for consistent weekly lesson attendance. We understand this and therefore suggest that you record every lesson to enhance your practice sessions. Make sure you design a consistent listening and practice schedule. Remember that vocal study is a partnership between instructor and singer. Much of your vocal development is learning to understand your own vocal growth and how to vocalize properly.
(5) Keep goal seeking: Remember, consistent lessons alone cannot offer enough momentum to move the singer forward. Everyone needs a set of goals. Set up your goals with a time frame in mind. These can be vocal goals, practice goals, or even career goals. Sitting down and writing these goals will make you more involved in moving them toward reality. Then ask a colleague to be a part of a goal group.
(6a) Auditing Policy: We encourage an open studio policy. This means that interested singers are allowed to audit another lesson with the permission of the singer who has booked that lesson time. QUIET PLEASE: NO comments. Remember that as an auditor you are a guest. It is inappropriate to make any comments constructive or otherwise. Remember that the singer has booked a session with Obed or Megan. It is important that your opinions or comments be saved for your own lesson time.
(6b) Audit Fee: While auditing is encouraged, it is a privilege, not a right. Please be advised that during any lesson that has been booked for either a professional half an hour or a professional hour we can and will reserve the right to request that a $10 audit fee be charged any auditor. This fee will be paid by the auditor to the instructor in cash at the time of that audited lesson. (This does not apply to master classes.)
(6c) Safe Environment for Learning: Our studio policy is designed to draw boundaries for all those who study with either Megan or Obed at M-OStudio. Auditors must respect the ‘quiet policy', which has been designed to create and protect a safe learning environment.
(7) Housekeeping: Only music related materials are to be placed on the piano. NO exceptions. We ask that you respect the equipment or that of the school or studio.
(8) Studio Website Plug: We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of this invaluable tool we have put a lot of time and thought into for our students here at M-OStudio (“M”egan and “O”bed’s Vocal Studio). Many singers do not know about our website www.M-OStudio.com. This site can be very informative as we constantly post educational articles and blog postings, you can read student testimonials and this fabulous studio policy again, and is a great resource to find and purchase music that we suggest in your lessons, and most importantly you can log into your account. Please tell friends and colleagues about this free service. Our studio email address is: Info (at) M-OStudio (dot) com, so you know what to add to your address book in order for our emails to get to your inbox and not get junked or spammed in your e-mail client program. So check our website and your e-mails regularly for updates regarding M-OStudio Enterprises, LLC announcements, master classes, and other special postings and events.
(9) Resume or CV: Studying in this studio is a privilege. Each singer or teacher is asked to commit 15 to 20 lessons in order to thoroughly learn the complexities of our vocal principles. These principles must be internalized in the body to be fully realized and learned. Sessions can be taken over the long term. Obed Floan or Megan Wagner Floan's name, or even the M-OStudio name should be placed on the resume or CV ONLY after the first 15 sessions; AND ONLY if the student is happy with the progress. It is rightly appropriate and professional to give credit to one's source of vocal progress, but ONLY if this is discussed with your respective teacher prior to doing so. NO exceptions!!!
(10) Promptness and Make-Up Lessons: You may have heard the expression, “success is where preparation meets opportunity”, however in the music business, a lot has to be said about “being in the right place at the right time”. So we expect that promptness and regular attendance will be your ongoing responsibility to practice a great work ethic and learn these principles for success in the future. If you arrive late to your lesson, we can still meet for the remainder of your lesson and make some progress, however, you still owe the full fee from the portion of the lesson you missed as we are a "no-refunds" studio. Regardless of reason! Phone calls or last minute texts are necessary and cell phones make this really simple and easy. 🙂 Alternately, if for whatever reason you miss the lesson altogether and cannot communicate with any of us, the same non-refundable policy applies. In that case, if you qualify for and wish to schedule a make-up lesson, you can accomplish this by logging into your account in our online scheduling system.
(11) Cancellation Policy: Please be advised that a 24-hour advance cancellation notification is required in this studio to qualify for a make-up lesson credit. If illness occurs suddenly, please contact Megan or Obed as soon as possible. Please do NOT show up ill at a lesson without speaking to either of us first. This exposes the instructor and other singers to your illness. However, you can still work and sing through minor symptoms of the common cold if you’ve determined that you are past the state of being contagious. After all, one of the main reasons to take voice lessons is to learn how to continue to sing properly EVEN when we are not feeling the best or are not on top of our game, and we can show you how to do this. So please consult us ahead of time to help you determine if you should continue with your lesson that day if you are ill. If some other uncontrollable instance is keeping you from attending your lesson and you contact us within the 24-hour cancellation window, then we will work with you on a case by case basis to determine if you will be granted a make-up lesson credit for that missed lesson. See our "No-Show" & Cancellation Policy Neglect Clause (12b) below for more details about this as well.
M-OStudio "No-Show" Policies:
(12a) “No-Show” Policy: If you do not show up to a scheduled lesson or lessons, and have not notified Megan or Obed 24 hours or more prior to your scheduled lesson, as stated in our Promptness and Make-Up Lessons (10) and Cancellation (11) Policies above, there will be no make-up lessons for those missed lessons. Please be aware that regardless of the situation, there are absolutely no refunds for missed lessons with no communication since we offer ample opportunity for communication and make-up lessons. REMEMBER: The contract for your fee is for the time we are committing in our schedules for your lessons, not your attendance for receiving your lessons. If we have to cancel or miss a lesson for whatever reason, we will issue a credit in the system for that lesson and we will find a mutually agreeable time to make that lesson up for you. The only time and type of refund that exists will be in the case that a student that has paid in advance completely discontinues taking lessons from either Megan or Obed altogether and all parties involved are in agreement about what is expected to finalize this situation, at which time only a refund for the remaining incomplete lessons will be returned.
(12b) "No-Show" & Cancellation Policy Neglect Clause: If any neglect, abuse, or taking advantage of this “No-Show” Policy is becoming apparent, such as two or more instances of last minute cancellations without the proper timely communication described above, or respective timely response to our attempt at communication with you regarding these matters, then you the student/parent will forfeit any claim to; 1) any previously agreed refund, as stated above, 2) option to reschedule, or 3) to receive any more make-up credits. This is in the attempt to not let our generosity be abused to the point where billing and make-up credits get out of hand and is designed to protect you as much as us.
Again, feel free to contact us directly if there are any questions at all.
(This policy is to protect you, your fellow students, and us, your professional voice instructors.)
We look forward to having a great time helping you along your Vocal Journey!